Official New Hampshire government website




Division of Plant Industry

The Division of Plant Industry is responsible for the inspection of commercially grown nursery/greenhouse stock throughout the state. Inspections are conducted annually to facilitate the inter and intrastate movement of nursery stock and plant products as well as international shipments. The Division conducts exotic crop pest surveys for the detection and monitoring of potentially harmful organisms, develops Integrated Pest Management (IPM), and biological control programs. The Entomology staff routinely identifies insects of public concern and arthropod identifications of medical importance. The Division is responsible for apiary inspections, initiation and regulation of plant quarantines and oversees the state Ginseng and Invasive Species Programs.

You are now able to fill in your applications online, however, if a SIGNATURE is required anywhere on the form, you may fill in the form as necessary, but save the form to your computer, download and print the form, sign the form in the appropriate locations and send to our offices with the appropriate remittance due. If you do not follow these instructions, your application will not be processed properly. Should you encounter any difficulties with the applications, please contact us at 271-2561.

The Cooperative Agriculture Pest Service (CAPS) Program
The Cooperative Agriculture Pest Service (CAPS) Program is a pest detection system that protects the food supply of the USA and is integral to the Department of Homeland Security. The close proximity of New Hampshire to the major international ports of Boston, Halifax and Montreal makes it extremely vulnerable to introductions of exotic (non-indigenous) plant pests. This program will facilitate the early detection, rapid response and appropriate action needed to address any such introductions. Click here for more information.

Invasive Species Committee
The Invasive Species Committee (henceforth referred to as the Committee) is a volunteer group of nine appointed members who consider and evaluate the adverse environmental and economic effects of invasive terrestrial plants, insects, and fungal species upon the state. The efforts of the Committee include establishing means by which that state shall address and minimize such adverse effects; promote research and educational activities so as to achieve the best possible protection of agriculture, forest, wildlife, and other natural resources of the state and of human health; and to prevent and control the spread of invasive species in the state (refer to RSA 430:51 through RSA 430:57).  Click here to learn more.

Apiary Inspection Program
The Apiary Inspection Program is a voluntary service provided to New Hampshire Beekeepers who request an inspection for detection of parasites and diseases such as Honeybee Tracheal mite (Acarapis woodi), Varroa mite (Varroa jacobsoni), American Foulbrood (caused by a Bacillus bacteria) and Chalkboard (caused by the Ascosphaera apis. Fungus).  If detected, the department will assist the beekeeper with developing appropriate controls to prevent the infection of other hives.

Beekeepers intending on moving honeybees and/or apiary equipment to another state should request an inspection to certify their apparent freedom from infectious diseases, parasites and/or pests.

To register for the Apiary Inspection Program, simply complete the application (click here for application) and return to the department at the address listed on the form.  The information provided should be as complete as possible to ensure that in the event of a problem, the department can assist you in a timely manner.

There is no application filing fee.  However, the inspection fee is $5.


New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food
25 Capitol Street, 2nd Floor
Concord, NH 03302
Copyright (c) State of New Hampshire, 2005