Commissioner of Agriculture's Award for Agricultural Excellence
Judges Criteria

Awards shall recognize exhibits which promote a better understanding of agriculture and rural life.

Awards may be given to individuals, farms, businesses or organizations.

Awards shall be given based upon assessment of the following:

  • Organization and neatness;
  • Ability to convey clear information or message;
  • Conformity to generally accepted practices such as animal cleanliness, proper preparation of produce, adherence to state or federal grade and quality standards, etc;
  • Clear identification of exhibitor - name and home town;
  • Integration with overall goals of the individual fair; and
  • Originality.
Awards shall not be given to an exhibitor more than once in three years.
Awards shall be determined by judges appointed by the Commissioner of Agriculture, Markets & Food.

At each of the New Hampshire Fairs one display is selected that best promotes agriculture and New Hampshire's rural lifestyle and heritage.  We congratulate the past recipients of this special award from the NH Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food. Winners for 2007 will be posted as soon as they are announced.

Please click on the fair to view the winner

Belknap, Cheshire, Cornish, Deerfield, Hillsborough, Hopkinton,

Lancaster, North Haverhill, Rochester, Sandwich, Stratham