Welcome to The EMBO Journal

  • AOP Highlights

    • Advance online publication
    • 19 March 2013
    • PKCλ is critical in AMPA receptor phosphorylation and synaptic incorporation during LTP

      PI3K-mediated PKCλ activation promotes GluA1-containing AMPAR phosphorylation and incorporation into postsynaptic site during LTP.

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  • Have You Seen?

    • Chaperoning RNA Polymerase II through repressive chromatin FREE

      The histone chaperone Spt6 promotes myogenic transcription by directing UTX-dependent demethylation of repressive H3K27me3 marks.

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    • Traffic COPs: rules of detection FREE

      Two recent structural studies reveal how cargo proteins interact with vesicle coats, which may also explain vesicle formation of retrograde transport vesicles.

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    • Oct4 shuffles Sox partners to direct cell fate FREE

      Early cell fate decisions demand rapid rewiring of transcriptional circuits. Stanton and colleagues report on enhancer-dependent partnering of Oct4 with either Sox2 or Sox17 to switch from pluripotency to differentiation.

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  • Focuses

    • Three decades of Wnt signalling

      Web focus on on Wnt Signalling

      Celebrating its own 30th anniversary in 2012, The EMBO Journal pays tribute to three decades of dynamic, collaborative and productive research on one of the few universal signal transduction pathways.

    • Power plants hit the nerve: mitochondria in neurodegeneration

      This series of review articles to be published in The EMBO Journal over the next few months will conceptualize the different ways in which mitochondrial dysfunction leads to neurodegeneration.

    • Cellular Logistics: moving cargo

      The 2011 review series comprises eight reviews united by a common interest in understanding how and why cells move cargo around.

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  • Other Publications
