Nature family of journals

In addition to Nature itself, there are three main families of Nature journals, together with the unique Nature Protocols, listed below. To submit your manuscript, please follow the links below to the prospective journal: 

Nature journals are a subset of all journals published by Nature Publishing Group (NPG). The other journals published by NPG are listed at this page, where a direct link to each journal's home page is provided.

The Nature and NPG journals that publish original scientific research welcome online submissions. Authors can submit a manuscript online by using the link provided on the home page and as part of the standard navigation of every web page of the journal concerned (please visit this link for an alphabetical list of journals).

Alternatively, authors wishing to submit to Nature or one of the monthly Nature research journals may scroll down this page, where a direct link is provided to each journal's online submission service.

Nature journals publishing primary research

The editors of the Nature journals make their own independent decisions about publication, and the Editor of each journal has full responsibility for the content. The Editor-in-Chief, Philip Campbell, is ultimately responsible for the quality of all publications bearing the name Nature in their titles.

Most papers published in the Nature journals are submitted to them directly. But because each Nature journal has to decline many papers of very high quality but of insufficient interest to their specific readership, an editor may suggest that a paper declined for editorial (not technical) reasons may be suitable for submission to another Nature journal.

Authors who have had a paper declined by one Nature journal and who wish to resubmit to another Nature journal or other journal published by NPG can use an automatic manuscript transfer service via a link sent to them by the editor handling their manuscript. It is entirely up to the authors whether they wish their paper to be considered for another journal, and the choice of where to submit is entirely up to them. The advantage to authors wishing to publish in another Nature journal is that referees' comments (including any confidential comments to the editor) and identities are also transferred to the editor of the second journal in question, which can save significant time. Details of this service are provided here.

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Editor: Philip Campbell. A weekly, international journal, publishing papers from any area of science with great potential impact and whose importance extends well beyond the confines of the specific discipline concerned. Nature has the highest impact factor of any journal publishing basic scientific research. Nature also publishes Reviews, as well as a broad range of informal material in the form of Editorials, News and News Features, Correspondence, Commentary, News and Views, Books and Arts, Essays, Futures (the award-winning science-fiction series) and NatureJobs (articles on careers and recruitment). The journal also publishes regular (but not weekly) bound-in supplements, including Insights, Outlooks and Technology Features, and additional features. Nature publishes much online-only information, including the award-winning daily Nature News, blogs, regular web focuses (collections of topical material, often from the journal's archive) and other web-only special features. Nature has editorial offices in London, Washington DC, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, San Diego, Tokyo, Munich and Paris.


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Nature research journals

These monthly journals publish papers of the highest quality and exceptional impact in the disciplines indicated by their titles, as well as informal material and reviews, as described below. They all have exceptionally high impact factors, usually the highest in their fields. Editorial offices are in New York, London, Boston and Tokyo, with several editors based in other locations (see individual journals' websites for details).

Nature Biotechnology

Editor, Andrew Marshall. Publishes novel biological research with significant commercial potential in the pharmaceutical, medical, agricultural and environmental sciences— research that takes biology out of the laboratory and into the marketplace.

Nature Cell Biology

Editor, Bernd Pulverer. Publishes papers in all areas of cell biology, encouraging those that shed light on the molecular mechanisms responsible for fundamental cell biological processes.

Nature Chemical Biology

Editor, Terry Sheppard. Nature Chemical Biology is a multidisciplinary journal providing an international forum for the timely publication of significant new research at the interface between chemistry and biology. The journal is a medium for rapid publication and for the exchange of ideas between scientists in both the chemical and the life sciences.

Nature Chemistry

Editor, Stuart Cantrill. Launching in 2009, Nature Chemistry will be dedicated to publishing high-quality papers that describe the most significant and cutting-edge research in all areas of chemistry. The journal will also publish review articles, news and views, research highlights, commentaries, book reviews, correspondence and analysis of the broader chemical picture beyond the laboratory.

Nature Genetics

Editor, Myles Axton. Publishes advances in all fields of modern genetic research, with a special emphasis on mammalian genetics and gene function.

Nature Geoscience

Editor, Heike Langenberg. Launched in January 2008, Nature Geoscience publishes cutting-edge research across the entire spectrum of the Earth Sciences, along with the most significant work in related areas. The journal brings together new research from all aspects of the geosciences, including field work, modelling and theoretical studies. Important developments in the Earth Sciences are discussed in Research Highlights, News & Views and Commentary articles.

Nature Immunology

Editor, Jamie Wilson. Publishes papers in all areas of immunology research. Priority is given to work that provides fundamental insight into the immune system.

Nature Materials

Editor, Vincent Dusastre. Publishes cutting-edge research across the entire spectrum of materials science and engineering, including functional, structural, nanoscale and biomedical materials, together with modelling and materials theory and advances in techniques.

Nature Medicine

Editor, Juan-Carlos Lopez. Publishes original research in all disciplines of biomedical science with implications for clinical medicine and the biomedical community. The journal favours submissions that represent a conceptual advance or an original approach to understanding the molecular basis of pathogenesis and therapy.

Nature Methods

Editor, Veronique Kiermer. A forum for the publication of novel methods and significant advances to tried-and-tested techniques, allowing researchers to perform faster, better and more efficient experimental research. Nature Methods focuses on the life sciences and related areas of chemistry. Aimed at a broad, interdisciplinary audience, the journal places a strong emphasis on the immediate practical relevance of the work presented, offering the scientific community a quality forum for presentation and discussion.

Nature Nanotechnology

Editor, Peter Rodgers. Nature Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes papers in all areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology, ranging from basic research in physics, chemistry and biology, through to the development of new devices and technologies for a wide range of applications (including information technology, medicine, manufacturing, high-performance materials, and energy and environmental technologies).

Nature Neuroscience

Editor, Kalyani Narasimhan. Publishes papers in all areas of neuroscience, including molecular, cellular, systems, behavioural, cognitive and computational studies.

Nature Photonics

Editor, Oliver Graydon. Nature Photonics is dedicated to this exciting field, and publishes top-quality, peer-reviewed research in all areas of light generation, manipulation and detection. Coverage extends from research into the fundamental properties of light and how it interacts with matter through to the latest designs of optoelectronic device and emerging applications that exploit photons.

Nature Physics

Editor, Alison Wright. A unique forum for physicists of all disciplines. Nature Physics publishes original top-quality research, plus a compelling mix of news and reviews, in print and online. Submissions are welcome in TeX/LaTeX from the physics community.

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology

Editor, Boyana Konforti. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology evolved from the successful Nature Structural Biology. It publishes studies that advance the understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying all cellular processes, and that provide mechanistic insights. Structural data are not a pre-requisite for publication.

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Nature Protocols

Nature Protocols

Editor, Katharine Barnes. Nature Protocols is an online resource for protocols, including authoritative, peer-reviewed 'Nature Protocols' and an interactive 'Protocols Network', to which scientists and suppliers can upload their protocols direct to the site. The two create a dynamic forum for scientists to upload and comment on protocols. The scope includes protocols used to answer outstanding biological and biomedical science research questions, including methods grounded in physics and chemistry that have a practical application to the study of biological problems. The editorial office is in London.

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Nature Reviews journals

Nature Reviews journals

With an ever-increasing number of primary-research journals to be monitored, and the expanding volume of information to be found on the web, it is becoming increasingly difficult for scientists to find the information they need in a form that is immediately useful. The Nature Reviews journals address these needs. Using cutting-edge online technology and pioneering formats, the journals are dedicated to filtering, highlighting and reviewing the latest information from a broad range of scientific areas. All are based in London.

Nature Reviews Genetics

Editor: Louisa Flintoft. Covers the full range of modern genetics: from genotypes to phenotypes; from history to ethics. The range of topics covered includes genomics; functional genomics; evolutionary genetics; technology; multifactorial genetics; disease; chromosome biology; epigenetics; developmental biology; gene expression; and systems and network biology.

Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology

Editor: Arianne Heinrichs. Only by combining an understanding at the molecular level with our knowledge of processes and interactions that occur at the cellular level can we paint a broad picture of how cells divide, grow, communicate and die. The journal scope includes chromosome biology; nucleic-acid metabolism; gene expression; nuclear transport; protein structure and metabolism; membrane dynamics; bioenergetics; cell signalling; cell growth and division; cytoskeletal dynamics; cell adhesion; developmental cell biology; cell death; and technology.

Nature Reviews Neuroscience

Editor, Claudia Wiedemann. Neuroscience encompasses a variety of fields that share the common goal of attempting to provide a complete understanding of the structure and function of the central nervous system. Among the areas covered are: cellular and molecular neuroscience; development of the nervous system; sensory systems, motor systems and behaviour; regulatory systems; higher cognition and language; computational neuroscience; and disorders of the brain.

Nature Reviews Cancer

Editor, Nicola McCarthy. Cancer research is a broad topic that covers many different aspects of molecular and cellular biology, as well as clinical and translational studies. Nature Reviews Cancer strives to enable cancer researchers of all disciplines to access the information that they need — information that will further our ability to diagnose, treat and ultimately prevent cancer. Topics covered include: a molecular understanding of how changes in cellular function can drive tumorigenesis; cancer genetics; the tumour microenvironment and tumour angiogenesis; metastasis and tumour dormancy; the function of the immune system in cancer patients; and the treatment and prevention of this disease.

Nature Reviews Immunology

Editor, Elaine Bell. Immunology is the study of the tissues, cells and molecules involved in host defence mechanisms. Immunologists attempt to understand how the immune system develops, how the body defends itself against disease, and what happens when it goes wrong. Nature Reviews Immunology provides in-depth coverage of all aspects of immunology, from fundamental mechanisms to applied aspects.

Nature Reviews Drug Discovery

Editor, Peter Kirkpatrick. The successful translation of basic scientific discoveries into novel therapeutic strategies for the prevention and treatment of disease depends on integrating all aspects of the drug discovery and development process. Reflecting this need, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery is for everyone working in drug discovery and development. Highlighting the most important developments across the entire field, from chemistry to disease mechanisms and novel therapeutic approaches, the journal is the essential guide for those navigating the evolving world of drug discovery.

Nature Reviews Microbiology

Editor, Susan Jones. The definitive information resource for all those who share an interest in microbial life, publishing high-quality articles highlighting the main developments in our understanding of bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa and prions; their interactions with the environment; how these organisms are harnessed in human endeavour, and their impact on society.

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Nature Clinical Practice journals

With the enormous amount of original research published in every medical specialty, it has become increasingly difficult for busy physicians to keep current and still find time to treat patients. Moreover, there is often no clear connection between key scientific discoveries and their application to practical patient care.

Nature Clinical Practice journals provide physicians with authoritative and timely interpretations of significant developments in medical research, translating the latest findings into clinical practice.

Each issue includes editorial and opinion pieces, highlights from the current literature, commentaries on the application of recent research to practical patient care, comprehensive reviews, and in-depth case studies. International Advisory Boards ensure complete coverage throughout the year, with discussion of topical issues included as soon as possible after publication of the original research. Content is subject to rigorous peer-review.

Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine

Editor-in-Chief: Valentin Fuster, MD, PhD; Editor: Hannah Camm.

Coverage includes acute coronary syndromes, arrhythmias, angina/coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy/heart failure, concomitant disease, congenital conditions, hypertension, imaging, infection, interventional cardiology, pathology, stroke, surgery/transplant, thrombosis, valvular disease and vascular disease, as well as general therapies, disease markers, genetics and public health. This journal also publishes original research.

Nature Clinical Practice Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Editor-in-Chief: Stephen Hanauer, MD;  Editor: Natalie Wilson.

Coverage includes pathology, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, gall bladder and biliary tract, such as functional gastrointestinal disorders, inflammatory diseases, cancer, infection and nutritional disorders.

Nature Clinical Practice Oncology

Editor-in-Chief: Vincent T. DeVita, Jr., MD; Editor: Lisa Hutchinson.

 Coverage includes pathology, diagnosis, genetics, disease markers, treatment (e.g. chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery), prevention and palliative care of all types of human malignant disease.

Nature Clinical Practice Urology

Editor-in-Chief: Peter T. Scardino, MD; Editor: Alexandra Hay.

 Coverage includes urologic oncology, sexual dysfunction, benign prostatic hyperplasia, urinary incontinence, endourology, trauma and reconstruction, male factor infertility, imaging and radiology, infection and inflammation and pathology.

Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology & Metabolism

Editor-in-Chief: P. Reed Larsen, MD;  Editor: Ian Newman.

Coverage includes prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disorders of the endocrine system and related metabolic and nutritional disorders, including diabetes and the metabolic syndrome, male and female reproductive endocrinology, thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary and adrenal disease, neuroendocrinology, bone and mineral metabolism and other areas of clinical endocrinology.

Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology

An official publication of the International Society of Nephrology

Editor-in-Chief: Robert W. Schrier, MD; Editor: Suzanne Farley.

Coverage includes all areas concerned with prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disorders of the kidney in the adult and child, including hypertension, infection/inflammation, dialysis/chronic uremia, renal failure, transplantation, applied physiology, epidemiology, pathology, immunology, cancer, and genetics.

Nature Clinical Practice Neurology

Editor-in-Chief: John W. Griffin, MD; Editor: Heather Wood.

Coverage includes prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease or impaired function of the central and peripheral nervous systems, including neurodevelopmental, neurodegenerative, and neuropsychiatric disorders.

Nature Clinical Practice Rheumatology

Editor-in-Chief: Peter E. Lipsky, MD; Editor: Jenny Buckland.

Coverage includes prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of conditions of the joints, muscle, bones, blood vessels, and connective tissue, including systemic autoimmune disease, inflammatory and degenerative diseases of joints, regional musculoskeletal disorders, osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease, pain management, imaging, immunology, genetics, clinical trials, epidemiology and clinical outcomes.

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