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The Great Lakes provide 90% of the world's freshwater, as well as varied recreational opportunities.

The Nature Conservancy applauds finalizing the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Compact. Rich Bowman, chair of The Nature Conservancy’s Great Lakes Public Policy Team, explains the impact of the Compact on the Great Lakes.

Great Places

The Two-Hearted River flows into Lake Superior
Visit the Great Lakes 
Learn about Our Vision

Postcards from the Field: Maulik Vaishnav

Visit the Nan Weston Preserve at Sharon Hollow
Preserve Photo Gallery or email your photos!

In the News

Free Field Friday: A Fantastic Success.

Recent Survey on Climate Change

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Volunteer contributions in 2007 included 3884 hours helping with  stewardship tasks. Read our 2007 Stewardship Report.

Would you like to become more involved with your favorite preserve? Consider becoming a volunteer preserve monitor.

This crew treated 45 acres of baby's breath at Pt. Betsie
Volunteer in the field!

Find internships and full time positions at nature.org/careers.

Ways of Giving

membership with the Conservancy makes a delightful gift. Share your love of nature with friends & family while  protecting Michigan.

See how one Michigan company supports global conservation.

five great lakes
  two countries
     one chance

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Images (top to bottom, left to right): © Sue DeVries/TNC Staff (Zetterberg Preserve at Pt. Betsie); © Matt Sayles (Grand Sable Dunes); © Michael D-L Jordan/ www.dlpphoto.com (Lake Superior); © Elizabeth LaPorte (Sharon Hollow); Photo © Maulik Vaishnav (Maulik Vaishnav); © University of Michigan Press (book); © Lara Rainbolt (Meijer crew)