The New Zealand Fungal Foray

Pupils from Kokako School learning about some

Pupils from Kokako School learning about some of the fungi collected (photo Per Marstad)

Egon Horak, a Swiss mycologist, leading a workshop on collection, description, and identification of mushrooms. (photo Peter Buchanan)

Egon Horak, a Swiss mycologist, leading a workshop on collection, description, and identification of mushrooms. (photo Peter Buchanan)

The Fungal Foray is an annual event, each year held at a different site in New Zealand. It is intended for both amateur and professional mycologists. The amateurs range from members of the public with a general interest in natural history, to photographers, to gastronomes, to those with an extensive knowledge on New Zealand's fungi.

The event was initiated in 1986, with a foray at Kauaeranga Valley, at the base of the Coromandel Peninsula. There has been an annual foray since then, each year at a different site around New Zealand, from Tangihua in the north, to the Catlins in the south. The Foray is organised by a loose group of people, the organising group often changing from year to year. It has always been strongly supported by the mycologists at Landcare Research.

The Foray has three main aims:

The 22nd Foray will be held in Dunedin, Sunday 11th - Saturday 17th May 2008.
Information & registration form Word document

The 21st Foray was held at Masterton, Sunday 6th – Saturday 12th May 2007. Report and species list (Fungal Network of NZ website).

The 20th Foray was held on the West Coast of the South Island, near in Westport. Report and species list (Fungal Network of NZ website). .

The 19th Foray was held in the central North Island at Ohakune. Report and species list (Fungal Network of NZ website).

The 18th Foray (9th – 15th May 2004) was held at Brightwater, near Nelson. Report and species list (Fungal Network of NZ website). .

The 17th Foray (5th - 10th May, 2003) was held near Katikati in the Bay of Plenty.

The 16th Foray (5th - 12th May, 2002) was held in the Haast area.

Display from the 15th New Zealand Fungal Foray, Tuai, Lake Waikaremoana, prepared for a hui on the Te Umuroa Marae, Ruatahuna, 18 May 2001.


Lists of fungi collected

The 15th Foray, Tuai, Waikaremoana

The 16th Foray, Okuru, near Haast

The 17th Foray, Katikati


Links to other sites with New Zealand Fungal Foray information and images

Andrew MacKay Kea Imagineering (click through Fungi, then Foray Photos)
Fungal Network of New Zealand