

Insect pollination in action.  Image – Ben Zwickenpflug..
Insect pollination in action. Image – Ben Zwickenpflug.

Pollination is the process of transferring pollen from anther (male flower part) to stigma (female flower part). Without it, seeds and fruit will not be formed. Pollination can be achieved by wind or by using animals such as insects. One in three mouthfuls of the food we eat are the result of animal pollination. Examples include fruits such as strawberries, apples and figs, seeds such as beans and sunflower kernels, and nuts such as walnuts and chestnuts. Even salad plants need pollination to produce the seeds from which they are grown!

Many exotic plants are grown as crops in New Zealand, including; kiwifruit, apples, grapes, stone fruit and some seed crops. The exotic honeybee Apis mellifera is used for much of the commercial pollination that occurs in New Zealand, but bumblebees Bombus spp., drone flies Eristalis tenax, native bees, flies and other insects also pollinate crops.

Research areas

Primary contact

Linda Newstrom-LloydLinda Newstrom-Lloyd EmailSend email to Linda Newstrom-Lloyd

Landcare Research
PO Box 40
Lincoln 7640

Phone: 03 321 9999
DDI: 03 321 9853
Mobile: 021 385 953 or Home 03 383 4047
Fax: 03 321 9998

Research areas

Community pollination monitoring Profiles on Pollinators in New Zealand

Programmes & OBIs

Environmental biosafety for GM crops and other new organisms

Related areas

Environmental Biosafety