Research Programmes and Projects, including Outcome-Based Investments and Public Good Science and Technology Research

Outcome-Based Investments (OBIs)

Contract No OBI Title OBI Leader
C09X0501 Defining New Zealand´s Land Biota / Te Tautuhi i ngā Hanga Koiora o Aotearoa Ilse  Breitwieser
C09X0502 Ecosystem Resilience Rob  Allen
C09X0503 Sustaining & restoring biodiversity William  Lee

Public Good Science and Technology (PGST) Programmes

Contract No Programme Title Programme Leader
C09X0207 Pathways towards sustainability Bob  Frame
C09X0212 Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the terrestrial biosphere David  Whitehead
C09X0213 Predicting land to ocean response to global change Alison  Collins
C09X0301 Rapid eradication of bovine Tb from wildlife Graham  Nugent
C09X0302 Development of biological control for possum management Janine  Duckworth
C09X0304 Soil services for sustainable land use Alison  Collins
C09X0305 Integrated Catchment Management Andrew  Fenemor
C09X0306 Spatial Information David  Pairman
C09X0307 Environmental protection of soils of the Ross Sea region Jackie  Aislabie
C09X0308 Indigenous forestry Rob  Allen
C09X0309 Low–impact urban design & development Michael  Krausse
C09X0310 Building capacity for sustainable development Bob  Frame
C09X0401 Te Tapoitanga Māori: Growing Regional Māori Tourism Chrys  Horn
C09X0402 Development of Databases and Collections Jerry  Cooper
C09X0504 Beating Environmental Weeds Simon  Fowler
C09X0505 Multiple pest dynamics Wendy  Ruscoe
C09X0506 Pests in landscapes Andrea  Byrom
C09X0507 Multispecies pest control Graham  Nugent
C09X0508 Maintaining and restoring wetlands Bev  Clarkson
C09X0509 Mauriora ki nga Oi Philip  Lyver
C09X0510 Predictions of Adélie Penguin population responses Philip  Lyver
C09X0511 Nematode biosystematics Trevor  Crosby
C09X0601 Environmental biosafety for GM crops and other new organisms William  Lee
CO9X0803 Sustaining Tb Freedom Graham  Nugent
COX0702 Old Problems, New Solutions James  Lennox

Other Projects & Programmes

Contract No Programme Title Programme Leader
  Ecosystem consequences of tenure review Andrea  Byrom
  The FutureMakers Project Bob  Frame