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Fishing Licenses

Who Needs a License?

Everyone must have a valid fishing license in their possession while fishing, except:

  • Persons under 16 years of age.
  • When fishing waters of the Marine District or in the Hudson River south of the Troy Barrier Dam.
    Note: A fishing license is required on the entire length of all Hudson River tributaries south of the Troy Dam to the Tappan Zee Bridge even if the tributary is subject to tidal flow.
  • When fishing on licensed fishing preserves.
  • Citizen-resident owners, lessees and citizen members of their immediate families occupying and cultivating farm lands, when fishing on their own lands.
  • Persons holding farm fish pond licenses and members of their immediate families, when fishing on waters covered by their licenses.
  • Resident parties at United States Veterans Administration hospitals, Department of Mental Hygiene institutions, and Department of Health rehabilitation hospitals, and inmates at Division of Youth rehabilitation centers. A free permit is available from: NYSDEC License Sales, 625 Broadway, Albany, New York 12233-4790.

License Privileges and Requirements

A fishing license or combined hunting and fishing license entitles the holder to: take fish by angling, spearing, hooking, longbow, and tip ups; take frogs by spearing, catching with the hands or by use of a club or hook; and take bait fish for personal use, all as provided by the laws and regulations of the Department of Environmental Conservation:

  • The holder of a license shall have such license on the holder's person while exercising any privilege of that license.
  • The holder of a license shall exhibit it on demand to any police officer, peace office, or the owner, lessee, or other person in control of the lands or waters on which the license holder is present.
  • No license authorizes the holder to trespass upon private lands or waters or interfere with property belonging to another person.

Resident License

To qualify for a resident license, one must be domiciled in New York State for more than 30 days immediately preceding date of application for a license. Property ownership in New York State is not a residency criterion.

Residency is that place where a person maintains a fixed, permanent and principal home and to which such person (regardless wherever temporarily located) always intends to return, evidence of which includes that such person votes or is registered to vote in that place in elections for any public office other than school board (if under 18, the residence of parents or legal guardian shall be deemed such person's residence).

Active members of the United States Armed Forces stationed in the State, and full-time college students (citizen) in residence in the State during the school year (proof required) also qualify for resident licenses.

License Requirements for Border Waters

Does a New York State fishing license entitle the holder to fish the out-of-state portion of the waters listed below?
Water State or Province Bordering Yes/No
Lake Ontario Ontario No
Lake Erie Ontario, Pennsylvania No
St. Lawrence River Ontario, Quebec No
Niagara River Ontario No
Lake Champlain Quebec, Vermont

As of 1/1/04, there is a new Reciprocal Fishing License for Lake Champlain

Delaware River & West Branch Delaware River (along boundary) Pennsylvania Yes
Greenwood Lake New Jersey Yes*
Indian Lake Connecticut Yes*

*New York license permits fishing out-of-state portion from boat or ice only.

Lifetime Fishing License

Say thank you to an adult for the past companionship you shared. Get a child or grandchild hooked on the outdoors with the gift of a lifetime hunting, fishing, or sporting license.

Everything the licensee needs (back tags, regulations guides, etc.) is automatically mailed each July. Buy a lifetime license and never worry about future fee increases. Lifetime licenses are available only to New York State residents, but remain valid even if you move out of State.

To give the gift of a lifetime, pick up an application form from any DEC office or license agent. For more information about lifetime licenses, write to: Lifetime Licenses, NYSDEC, 625 Broadway, Program CW, Albany, NY 12233-4790.

Free Fishing Days

Each year, the last full weekend in June is designated as Free Fishing Days in New York State. During those two days, anyone can fish New York State waters, and no fishing license is required. This event started in 1991 to allow all people the opportunity to sample the incredible fishing New York State has to offer. Since no license is required, it is the perfect time to take a friend or relative fishing. In 2007, New York State's Free Fishing Days are Saturday and Sunday, June 23 & 24. In 2008, New York State's Free Fishing Days are Saturday and Sunday, June 28 & 29.

In addition to the June Free Fishing Days weekend, there are a number of "Free Fishing Events" held in various locations across the state. Free Fishing Events are DEC sponsored events (such as family fishing clinics) where participants can learn about fish identification, fishing equipment and techniques, fisheries management, angling ethics and aquatic ecology. Each of DEC's nine regions can sponsor up to four free fishing events per year. Most free fishing events occur during the period from April through October. For a listing of currently posted events, please view the table , but be sure to check back periodically to see if additional events have been added.

So, first time anglers, as well as those who have drifted away from the sport, should take advantage of this opportunity to see how much fun fishing can be. For more information about Free Fishing Days, contact your DEC Regional Fisheries Office.

Free Fishing Licenses

The following individuals are eligible for a free fishing license and may obtain a license at any license issuing outlet:

  • Citizen residents who are blind.
  • Active members of the U.S. Armed Forces who provide proof that they are New York State residents and are in the state for a maximum of 30 days.
  • Resident patients at U.S. Veterans Administration hospitals or facilities can obtain a free fishing license through their hospital or facility.
  • Native Americans who are members of the Shinnecock and Poospatuck tribes or the Six Nations residing on reservations in New York State may obtain a free fishing license by contacting their reservation or the DEC License Sales Office at (518) 402-8843.

Fishing License Fees

The following is a list of current fees for fishing licenses in New York State. See Sporting License Fees for further information on all New York State sporting license fees. In addition, see Licenses and Permits for general information on New York State Sporting Licenses.

Resident License Fees
Resident License Type Fee
Senior (65+/Military Disability) $ 5.00
Annual Fishing $ 19.00
7 day fishing $ 12.00
Includes Fishing:
Sportsman1 $ 37.00
Super Sportsman2 $ 68.00
Conservation Legacy3 $ 76.00
Non-Resident License Fees
Non-Resident License Type Fee
Annual Fishing $40.00
7 day Fishing $ 25.00
Super Sportsman2 $ 250.00
Special Stamp License Fees
Resident & Non-Resident Special Stamps Fee
One day fishing license-
Call 1-86 NY DECALS (1-866-933-2257) for additional information

1Allows the holder to hunt both small and big game, and to fish.
2Includes sportsman license (which includes fishing), plus bow hunting, muzzle-loader hunting, and turkey hunting.
3Includes a super sportsman license, plus habitat and access stamp and subscription to the Conservationist.(Habitat and Access stamp is voluntary. Revenue from sale of this goes into a dedicated account within the Conservation Fund to be used for projects to protect and improve habitat and provide public access for fish and wildlife-related recreation).

More about Fishing Licenses: