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Sponsoring Youth to Camp

A How-to for Organizations

Application Guidelines

Applications for the 2009 camp season will be available December 2008

DEC camp sessions run for one week, beginning on Sunday at 3:00 PM and ending on Saturday at 9:00 AM, from June 28 to August 22. Campers must be either New York State residents or immediate relatives of a New York State landowner.

Three camps, Colby, DeBruce and Rushford, educate youth who are 12 to 14 years old. The summer of 1998 marked the opening of a new camp at Pack Forest in the southern Adirondacks, where DEC offers week-long Ecology Workshops for teens ages 15 to 17.

The cost of one week at a DEC education camp is $325 and includes meals. Youth may attend a camp only one week per year. If the child is a first-time camper, he or she cannot attend during Returnee Week. Returning campers may attend Returnee Week only once!

Applications for the 2009 camp season will be accepted only when accompanied by the full registration fee and postmarked as follows:

For Sponsoring Organizations:

POSTMARKED NO EARLIER than February 7, 2009

For Parent-paid Children:

POSTMARKED NO EARLIER than February 28, 2009

Because space is limited, interested campers are urged to get their applications in early, keeping in mind the postmark dates indicated above. Applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis according to postmark date.


This page addresses sponsoring organizations only. If you are the parent of a potential camper, please refer to our Parent's Guide to Applying for Camp web page.

Some changes are being made to the Camps Program for the 2009 season. Your cooperation is requested and will make for another successful registration period.

General Information

  • No "Jane or John Doe's" - When sending in your registration and payment, you must give us the name of the camper. DEC will NOT accept "John and Jane Doe" applications, with campers to be named later. This change has saved a lot of time and helped eliminate some of the confusion during our registration process.
  • One check per Camper - If a sponsor and guardian/parent are sharing the cost of a camper's registration, please include only one check, which must be from the sponsoring organization.
  • The starting date for the coming DEC Education Camp season is June 28, 2009.
  • Hunter Education will be offered every week at Camps Colby, DeBruce and Rushford, except for Returnee Week, July 19-25, 2009.
  • The Teen Ecology Workshop at Pack Forest will run for five weeks this year. Returnee Week for youth who are 15 - 17 years old will be held at Pack Forest during week 5, July 26- August 1, 2009.
  • Shooting Sports will be offered again as an optional activity at Pack Forest during weeks 1 and 4. This program, which included an evening seminar on firearm safety and a shooting program conducted by a certified range officer/instructor, was extremely successful during recent camp seasons. DEC staff will assist at this program. Hunter Training is offered at Pack Forest during weeks 6 and 7.


  1. Parents/Guardians, not sponsoring organizations, must choose the camp week for the child.
  2. Do NOT assume the week chosen is guaranteed; the selection process is first-come, first-served.
  3. Sign and print names on both the check and the application.
  4. Only ONE check is required per child. Applications accompanied by checks from both a sponsoring organization and a parent will not be accepted. If the child is sponsored, the check must be from the sponsoring organization.
  5. NO refunds will be made to sponsors or parents after June 1th, 2009. If a child cannot attend camp during the week reserved, an alternate camper will be accepted after June 1, and refunds will NOT be given.
  6. Keep a photocopy of each completed application for reference if a problem arises.
  7. Blank applications may be photocopied. Please do not use applications from previous years. The camp dates are always different, and some of the required information has changed.

For more information, or to request an application by mail, please call or write to:

625 Broadway; 2nd Floor
Albany, NY 12233-4500
(518) 402-8014


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  • Contact for this Page:
  • NYSDEC Camps
    625 Broadway
    Albany, NY 12233-4500
    email us