Department of Environmental Conservation

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Division of Air Resources

The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is charged with the task of protecting the health and welfare of all citizens of New York. In particular, the Division of Air Resources (DAR) strives to improve and maintain the air quality throughout the State. Nine regional offices are responsible for permitting and enforcement, while the Albany central office carries out support and research efforts. Recognizing that air quality is both a regional and local problem, DAR works closely with the US EPA and agencies from other states, as well as local and tribal governments within the State. It collaborates with academic institutions on various air pollution research projects and is actively involved with national and regional air pollution/air quality management associations.

It has been more than 50 years since the Air Program began in New York. Initially, DAR was affiliated with the New York State Department of Health, but became part of the newly created Department of Environmental Conservation in the early 1970s. Since then, New Yorkers have seen much progress in air pollution control efforts: long-term air quality trends show definite improvements in spite of population growth and increase of vehicle miles traveled.

The DEC web site has become an important means to provide environmental protection information to the public. DAR will update its site as often and quickly as possible to help ensure critical clean air regulations and strategies remain accessible to New York's residents.

More about Division of Air Resources:

  • Air Quality Planning - The Bureau of Air Quality Planning is charged with developing the State Implementation Plans (SIPs) to address continuing air pollution problems in New York State.
  • Air Quality Analysis and Research - Basic and applied research on the fate of pollutants in the atmosphere through mathematical modeling and data analysis, air toxics program, and acidic deposition in lake waters
  • Air Quality Surveillance - The Bureau of Air Quality Surveillance is responsible for the operation of the ambient air quality monitoring network for the state.
  • Quality Assurance - Quality Assurance for the Division of Air Resources Programs
  • Stationary Sources - The Bureau of Stationary Sources coordinates the air permitting program, develops and modifies air quality regulations, and administers the AFS computer system.
  • Mobile Sources and Technology Development - Bureau of Mobile Sources and Technology Development
  • Important Links
  • Contact for this Page
    Division of Air Resources
    625 Broadway
    Albany, NY 12233-3250
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