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EEA joins forces with European Water Partnership

EEA joins forces with European Water Partnership

EWP-EEA partnership event.

29 Sep 2009

The European Environment Agency and the European Water Partnership (EWP) announced today a new cooperation plan to improve water use in Europe. The first initiatives of the cooperation will be to develop a vision for sustainable water, raise awareness and strengthen information flows. More


Best way to get around: bicycle, car or on foot?

Best way to get around: bicycle, car or on foot?

Clean air for all

16 Sep 2009

Every day, millions of Europeans make short trips to work, school or the shops. Their choice of how to reach their destination has a significant impact on the environment. During European Mobility Week from 16 to 22 September 2009, Europe will focus on sustainable mobility in urban areas. The European Environment Agency has tips to help you make your daily trips more environmentally friendly. More

The Alps: Europe’s cherished but endangered mountains

09 Sep 2009

As the ‘water towers of Europe’, the Alps play a crucial role in sustaining the social and economic wellbeing of millions of people living in vast lowland areas. A complex and vulnerable ecosystem, they represent Europe’s central landmark. More

Effectiveness of EU cohesion spending on the environment

03 Sep 2009

Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund are the European Union's main financial instruments to reduce the gap between poor and rich regions. In its new report, the European Environment Agency evaluates the effectiveness of these funds in achieving environmental goals by focusing on investments in wastewater treatment, biodiversity, and energy efficiency and renewable energy in three pilot countries: Austria, Italy and Spain. More

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Got bulky waste to dispose of?

When you'd like to get rid of large waste items, take it to a drop-off centre or contact a special company to come and pick it up. The professionals will segregate and possibly recycle your waste. Some products, including refrigerators and other electric appliances, have to be recycled properly not to pollute the environment. You can also use the internet or newspapers to sell goods which still have some value.

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