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0 Discussion on USDA's rule implementing the National Organic Farming Act of 1990 0

Listing of Contributions by Title and Date

Contributors to Discussion, Dates of contributions
Robert Anderson -- NOSB 1/8/98
Charles Benbrook -- Benbrook Consulting Services 6/2/98 2/11/98 12/31/97 12/29/97 11/97
Linda Bullard -- IFOAM 12/29/97
Marian Burros -- New York Times 3/4/00
Karen Charman 11/24/99
Kate Clancy 6/4/99
Nancy Creamer 2/99
Ronnie Cummings -- Pure Food Campaign 6/5/98
Peter DeFazio -- Representative to US Congress D(OR) 2/26/98
Jay Feldman -- NCAMP 2/25/97 12/31/97
Steve Gilman - NOFA 12/28/97
Hal Hamilton -- Center for Sustainable Systems 2/10/98
Douglas Johnson -- Madison, WI 3/10/98
Gene Kahn, Craig Weakley, Steven Harper 6/12/99
Reed Karaim -- Washingon Post 3/22/98
Marc Kaufmann -- Washingon Post 3/4/00
Eric Kindberg -- OFMA 1/1/98 12/29/97 12/23/97
Frederick Kirschenmann -- FVO, Organic Farmer 6/4/99 3/11/98 3/3/98 2/21/98 2/10/98 2/5/98 1/9/98 1/4/98 11/97 6/4/99
Frederick Kirschenmann -- FVO, Organic Farmer 10/6/99 10/13/99
Mark Lipson -- OFRF 12/22/97
Betsy Lydon -- Mothers & Others and member of NOSB 2/3/98
George Monbiot -- London Guardian 3/5/98
Mother Jones Magazine -- Leora Broydo 3/12/98
National Campaign for Sustainable Agriculture 3/3/98
Natures Path - Press Release 3/16/00
NCAMP and OFMA 1/11/98 12/23/97
OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) 4/16/98 4/16/98
OTA (Organic Trade Association) 5/21/99
Jim Riddle 10/13/99 10/13/99
Aleen Rothschild-Seidel -- Demeter Association, Inc. 4/28/98
Senate Ag Appropriations Committee 6/10/98
Laura Shapiro (Newsweek) 6/11/98
Michael Sligh (RAFI-USA) 10/25/99
Steven Sprinkel 10/31/98
USDA Press Release 2/6/98 3/7/00
USDA National Organic Standards Rule 3/7/00
Julie Vorman (Reuters) 3/23/98
Larry Waterfield -- The Packer 3/??/98
Rick Weiss(Washington Post) 5/1/98

Last Updated on 3/16/00
By Karen Lutz
Email: karen@hillnet.com