Support MNFI

Nelumbo lutea (American lotus)

The Michigan Natural Features Inventory needs your help to protect Michigan's biodiversity, especially endangered and threatened species and rare and threatened communities.

We are the stewards of the only database that records locations and numbers of endangered and threatened species, and some species of concern. We also document threatened rare communities in the state. The database that we maintain, refine and constantly update is used by state and federal agencies, researchers, private companies and consultants to evaluate threats to Michigan's endangered and threatened species. Support for this function has dropped by 78% over the last few years, so your contribution is desperately needed.

Your donation may be added to our endowment, which will provide support indefinitely in the future, or you can give to our gift account, which is used to support a variety of research needs in the organization.

You can be assured that your donation will help protect Michigan's natural heritage.

Gift by Credit Card

Credit card donations to MNFI can be made securely online or by phone and are handled by Michigan State University Development. To make a credit card donation, follow the link below for the fund to which you would like to contribute and follow the instructions provided.

Gift by Check

To make a check donation, please include the name of the MNFI fund on a check made payable to Michigan State University and send to the following address.

ANR Development
External Relations
416 Agriculture Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824-1039

Thank You for Your Support