The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.    
The Right Tree for the Job

Horticulture: June 1998
Other Horticulture Articles

by Dooly Barlow

Tree selection is similar to tool selection for a specific job. Sure, an ax will cut a wire in order to make an electrical connection; however, a pair of wire dikes or strippers would work better. The above example is a little exaggerated but if we select a species of tree that doesn't have the genetics we want, why should we expect anything more?

Often, large trees such as pecan, are planted in a small area next to a structure. What happens after a period five to 10 years? It has to be trimmed, transplanted, or cut down. When a tree is small and positively identified, it can be transplanted in a different, more appropriate location where it can be enjoyed forever.

Selecting the proper tree for the proper site is sometimes a problem. To make the job easier, a partial list of trees is provided below. The recommended trees for this area were compiled by our local Ardmore Tree Board.

Now is an excellent time to visit your local nursery to select trees for a fall planting. The trees can be tagged for fall delivery. When transplanting trees, backfill around roots with the same soil that was dug out of the hole. Careful tamping of the soil around the root-ball ensures that the air pockets are eliminated. Voids around the roots will allow the roots to dry out and die or when filled with water will drown roots.

Watering as the soil is added will help settle the soil around the roots. The roots must be in contact with moist soil in order to continue their function. Mulch around the newly planted trees with 3" - 4" of bark mulch to conserve moisture and keep weed competition to a minimum.

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