Stopping the Silent Invasion
Report a Pest: 643-PEST
Hawaii residents are urged to use the Pest Hotline to promptly report sightings of invasive pests such as snakes, unusually aggressive stinging ants, and illegal or unknown animals.
Call 643-PEST (643-7378)
What's This?

Resources Working Group

The resources working group is chaired by a staff member from the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism. Contact Elizabeth Corbin for more information.

The HISC Strategy 2008-2013 describes the following goals, tasks and measures of effectiveness for this working group:

Goals: (1) Determine levels of resources spent on invasive species (2) Determine resource needs statewide (3) Seek public and private sector funding for invasive species management and control programs to support priority programs; and (4) Share knowledge and expertise.


  • Annually identify all state, federal and other monies expended for the purposes of managing the invasive species problem in the State HRS 194-2 (a) 8.
  • Promote the transition of projects from HISC to agency funds.
  • Identify all county, state, federal and private funds available to fight invasive species and advise and assist state departments to acquire these funds HRS 194-2 (a) 9.
  • Develop dedicated funding sources for invasive species prevention and control programs (e.g., Island Invasive Species Committees, biocontrol).
  • Every five years, or prior to a revision of this plan, identify and prioritize each lead agency’s organizational and resource shortfalls with respect to invasive species HRS 194-2 (a) (3).
  • Together with the chairs of the other working groups, review their budget proposals and recommend a balanced budget to the Council.
  • Support county-sponsored activities to address invasive species HRS 194-2 (a) (12).

Measures of Effectiveness

  • Reports to the legislature regarding invasive species spending and resource shortfalls.
  • Approval of annual budget for recommendation to the Council.
  • Attendance at meetings of member and collaborating agencies.
  • Agency adoption of innovative projects initiated through HISC.


© 2008 Hawaii Invasive Species Partnership   HISC information maintained by HISC Coordinator (comments welcome)