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Procurement Corner

Procurement in support of innovative technologies and strategies involves preparation of requests for proposals (RFP) and assessments of contractor capabilities. EPA's primer, Requesting and Evaluating Proposals That Encourage Innovative Technologies for Investigation and Cleanup, encourages the use of innovative technologies for site investigations and cleanups and addresses special considerations for selecting innovative characterization tools at brownfields sites. Assessing Contractor Capabilities for Streamlined Site Investigations is another primer to be used by brownfields decision-makers during the procurement process.

Resistance to innovative approaches is often based on perceived constraints associated with procurement mechanisms. The dynamic nature of the Triad approach requires that procurement be flexible and adaptable. Understanding Procurement for Sampling and Analytical Services Under a Triad Approach, an EPA publicantion, provides information about methods and strategies that have been successfully used to procure services under a Triad approach. The document:

  • Uses examples and past experience to provide project managers, technology service providers, regulators, and other interested parties with information that may be useful in developing and implementing Triad-specific procurement approaches
  • Includes information on the types of contaminated sites at which the Triad approach has been used or is well-suited for implementation, including Brownfields, Superfund, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Corrective Action, State Programs, and private sector
  • Presents six case studies of specific sites and programs for which site investigation and cleanup services have been procured under a Triad framework
  • Provides general information to assist project managers across levels of government and across agencies

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