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Welcome to the BTSC

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This site provides an overview of the services and support provided by the BTSC, including news, publications, and other technical information for Brownfields stakeholders. Descriptions of each of the major pages are provided below.

Contact Us
Provides an online form for submitting comments to the BTSC.

Brownfields Contacts
Lists contact information and points of contact for BTSC techncial services, state brownfields programs, and EPA regional brownfields offices.

Directory of Technical Assistance for Land Revitalization
Provides information about federal agencies that may be able to provide technical assistance in the selection and use of technologies to characterize and clean up properties for land revitalization and reuse.
Explains the specific types of services that the BTSC offers to local and state government personnel, EPA staff, tribes, and nonprofits with active EPA Brownfields Cleanup Grants.

Request Support
The BTSC invites users to submit requests for information and support services through the online forms available from this page. This page also provides details about the eligibility requirements for those services.

Includes news from EPA and information and links to upcoming and recent events.

Lists publications, online resources, and Web sites related to the services provided by the BTSC. This page also provides an online glossary and acronym list. Older resources that may remain useful to the brownfields community (for example, presentations from past conferences) are available from the archive section of this page.

Procurement Corner
Makes available resources and examples that explain concerns about procuring support for implementation of innovative technologies and strategies.

Summarizes results of the operations of the BTSC, including annual and quarterly reports.

Search Sites
Offers a wide range of search criteria to find useful information about BTSC projects, techncial staff, and resources.

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