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Missouri Exchange


The Web site that

  • Showcases Missouri’s diverse agricultural products
  • Links sellers and buyers
  • Educates consumers and producers


Missouri Exchange is a Web site that broadens marketing opportunities for Missouri producers who specialize in niche market products.

Producers who list merchandise on the Web site have 24/7 access to potential buyers throughout the state, throughout the country, even around the world.

Take a look at the site to see if it should become part of your marketing plan.

Buyers are advised to check the site regularly for specialty products that are difficult to find in mainstream outlets.

Info for Buyers and Sellers

How to buy products

  • Register with the Web site
  • Look at offers-to-sell posted by sellers and contact the seller through the contact form provided.
  • If you don’t find what you are looking for, post a request-to-buy.

How to sell products

  • Register with the Web site
  • Post an offer-to-sell
  • Look at requests-to-buy posted on the site and contact potential buyers using the forms provided. You will negotiate with the buyer directly.

Join the members directory. As part of the directory you have the opportunity to provide additional information about your company, post photos and create a link to your Web site.

Goals and Objectives

The University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry, in cooperation with the Grow Native! Program, developed this online marketplace to increase marketing opportunities for Missouri-grown alternative products and native plant materials.

A broader market will help provide additional income opportunities for small farmers and landowners.


  • Connect buyers and sellers of Missouri-grown alternative products
  • Provide product and market information on alternative products
  • Use feedback from market participants to identify quality standards for products

Featured Products

Missouri growers are proud of the quality and variety of the unique products they produce within the borders of the state.

Whether you are looking for pecans or walnuts, standing timber or native plant plugs, unusual edibles or herbal remedies, you’ll find it on the Missouri Exchange Web site.

To speed your search, products are divided into categories such as native plants, edibles, herbs, decorative products, specialty wood products, greenhouse and nursery and others.

Explore the site today.

Project Partners

The University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry is one of the world’s leading centers contributing to the scientific understanding of agroforestry. A primary goal is to create new income opportunities and markets for farms and forest landowners.

Grow Native! is a joint program of the Missouri Department of Conservation and the Missouri Department of Agriculture. Its objectives include helping protect and restore the state’s biodiversity by increasing awareness of native plants and their effective use.

Missouri Exchange Brochure (PDF)

Missouri Exchange Website

Grow Native! Website

College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
School of Natural Resources
Horticulture & Agroforestry Research Center

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