1018 Thomasville Road
Suite 200-C
Tallahassee, FL 32303
Phone: (850) 224-8207
Fax: (850) 681-9364

Florida State University
Florida Resources and
Environmental Analysis Center
at the Institute of Science
and Public Affairs

A Network Connecting Science with Conservation

GIS data

NOTE: GIS data are made available as a public service by the Florida Natural Areas Inventory. FNAI must be cited as the source of these data in all reports and products making use of these data. These data are updated frequently, and the user is responsible for ensuring the most recent updates are used. FNAI is not responsible for any errors or incompleteness in user analysis or products based on these data.

Florida Managed Areas (FLMA)

The Florida Natural Areas Inventory is the primary source for information on Florida's conservation lands. The Inventory database includes boundaries and statistics for more than 1,600 federal, state, local, and private managed areas, all provided directly by the managing agencies. National parks, state forests, wildlife management areas, local and private preserves are examples of the managed areas included. The managed areas shapefile is updated quarterly. A summary of Managed Areas Acreage is available in PDF format here.

    shapefile: FLMA.zip (19 MB) - Updated December 2008

Florida Forever / Board of Trustees Environmental Land Acquisition Projects (FFBOT)

The Inventory maintains the boundaries of all Florida Forever land acquisition projects administered by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Division of State Lands, for the State Board of Trustees. Note that these boundaries are for the entire project, including areas that have already been acquired. This file does not include projects from other land acquisition programs, such as Save Our Rivers or local initiatives. The FFBOT shapefile is updated approximately every two to four months.

    shapefile: FFBOT.zip (3.16 MB) - Updated December 2008

Florida Developed Lands - 2004

The Florida Natural Areas Inventory has developed a GIS data layer of developed lands in Florida. This layer is intended to be an update of developed lands as identified in FLUCCS landcover data developed by Florida’s five water management districts (WMDs). For this purpose developed lands are defined as areas developed with buildings and other impermeable surfaces such as parking lots and roads. Other land uses sometimes associated with development, such as parks, golf courses, and agricultural lands are NOT included as developed lands in this data layer. Developed lands were heads-up digitized from 2004 Digital Ortho Quarter Quad (DOQQ) 1-meter aerial photography at a scale between 1:5,000 and 1:10,000. This data layer is available for download as a 30-meter raster grid.

Florida Forever Conservation Needs Assessment

FNAI has conducted a statewide analysis of natural resource conservation priorities for the Florida Forever program. The Inventory created or compiled GIS data layers for rare species habitat, natural communities, ecological greenways, large landscapes, significant surface waters, natural floodplain, functional wetlands, aquifer recharge, coastal resources, cultural resources, recreation, and sustainable forestry. This analysis resulted in a Conservation Needs Assessment, which established baseline protection status for each natural resource, and provides a tool for tracking progress in resource acquisition.