Post your opinion. Chat about WTO issues. Participate in forums


Welcome to the WTO's on-line forum and chat area. We will be having regular discussions in which we encourage you to enter and give your views. The topics will cover WTO issues and will either be chosen by ourselves or suggested by you the WTO audience. For each WTO-initiated discussion, we will have panelists from within the WTO and experts from outside invited to participate as well.

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See also:
Online chat with Pascal Lamy

How to participate  back to top

Make your views known to WTO and other forum users. You can participate in WTO-initiated discussions or start one of your own on a WTO-related topic.

> Click here to start or join a discussion. 


Some guidelines and rules  back to top

Before participating in the forums, we would ask you to read the following carefully

> WTO on-line forum guidelines and rules

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WTO Forum
A series of webcasting debates where experts from around the world confront major issues facing the WTO and the multilateral trading system.