Conservation Planning and Outreach

Conservation planning and outreach services can be provided using existing information or as part of a larger inventory effort. The primary purpose of conservation planning and outreach is to communicate ecological information in the most effective way. MNFI offers a variety of products including site ecological summaries for important sites, site conservation plans for sites most in need of protection, educational workshops to inform decision-makers, and informational materials for the general public. MNFI staff can provide any number of these products based on the needs of the client.

Site summary

Site Ecological Summary

The site ecological summary synthesizes all available ecological information for a particular site of interest. It includes maps, a boundary description, landscape context, general site description, ecological significance of site, element occurrence tables, information gaps, and references.

Site Conservation Plan

The site conservation plan identifies the best course of action for providing long-term protection of targets identified at specific sites. It builds on the site ecological summary by adding identification of conservation targets, threats (stresses and sources of stress), and recommended protection strategies and actions. This is best used for the highest priority sites in your area.


Education/Information Workshop

Workshops provide personal contact between MNFI staff and end users of the information. It's an opportunity to explain things in different ways, interact, answer questions, and give examples of how other communities or organizations have applied the information. Workshops can be oriented for government officials, planning staff, planning commissioners, community leaders, and/or concerned citizens.

Information Materials

Information materials typically come in the form of a pamphlet, booklet, or CD. They can contain a wide range of ecological information and focus on different types of geographic areas such as watersheds, counties, or ecoregions. Examples of information that might be included are landscape changes over time (for a particular area such as a county), landscape and vegetation patterns, important ecological historical landmarks, important conservation areas, major threats, and restoration opportunities. This is a great tool for explaining landscape changes over time in county, identifying areas for conservation efforts, and engaging community support and participation.

For more information, contact John Paskus