National Core Manual
for Pesticide Training
Aids and Tips

Pesticide Training and Reference Materials

General Information


Personal Protection
Equipment (PPE)

Transportation, Storage,
Disposal & Spill Cleanup

Pest Control

Pesticides and
the Environment

Mixing, Loading and
Applying Pesticides

Pesticide Laws
and Regulations

Pesticide Labeling

Hazardous Effects and
Emergency Response

Pesticide Calibration
and Equipment

Worker Protection

Web-based Pesticide Training

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(For use by participants in Southern Region Pesticide Safety Education Center training.)


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Wayne Buhler, Director Bob McRackan, Coordinator Comments Pesticide Environmental Trust Fund Pesticide Environmental Trust Fund Department of Horticultural Science North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

Web page last modified by Steve Toth on September 17, 2006