Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
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Montane Forest Montane Forest
Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland
Shrub Grassland Shrub Grassland
Plains Grassland Plains Grassland
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State Mammal and Bird
State Bird: Western Meadowlark
State Mammal: Grizzly Bear

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Montana's ecosystems! Everyone has a special natural place. To some of us it is our backyard and to others it's a favorite hunting, snowmobiling, camping, or fishing site. Join us on a natural adventure through Montana’s amazing ecosystems.

Click on your special place. Shrub Grassland Montane Forest Montane Forest Plains Grassland Shrub Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Plains Grassland Plains Grassland Plains Grassland Plains Grassland Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Intermountain Grassland Shrub Grassland Shrub Grassland Shrub Grassland Shrub Grassland Shrub Grassland Shrub Grassland Shrub Grassland Shrub Grassland Shrub Grassland Shrub Grassland Shrub Grassland Shrub Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Intermountain Grassland Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Montane Forest Plains Grassland Plains Grassland Plains Grassland Plains Grassland Plains Grassland

Click on the map to go to the ecosystem where you live
or click here to see a more detailed map.


Montana is huge! It is our nation’s fourth-largest state. Not only big but rich in wildlife, it supports more than 600 species of fish, mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Why so many? Because Montana offers an awesome variety of places for animals to live.


There are many "special places" in Montana. It would probably take a lifetime to see them all.


If we want these unique places and plants and animals to be here for our children and grandchildren then we must be wise stewards of our natural resources! What natural communities are in need of help? What wildlife is in need of help? What are people doing? How can you help?


Understanding ecosystems is fun and exciting! It's cool to learn how plants and animals are adapted to live in a particular place; check out food chains, predators, and prey; and understand how scientists classify and study living things!

… this wonderful place we call MONTANA!


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