Species of Concern Search

The Montana Natural Heritage Program serves as Montana's source of information for Species of Concern — plants and animals that are at risk or potentially at risk. Use the search options on this page to generate current lists of species of concern for the state, counties, watersheds or townships. You can also filter your request by plant or animal groups as well as by Natural Heritage Program global and state ranks, and federal agency status.

Search Options All SOC  |  SOC Animals  |  SOC Plants   Help

  • Geographic Locations Single-select only.  Click to select the location type on which you wish to filter.
  • Animals / Plants Multi-select is allowed.  Use <CTRL><Click> to select or unselect.
  • Species Rank / Status Multi-select is allowed but only within a Single picklist.  Use <CTRL><Click> to select or unselect.
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© 1997 -   Montana Natural Heritage Program
Please send comments to: mtnhp@mt.gov

Montana Natural Heritage Program
PO Box 201800, 1515 East Sixth Avenue,
Helena, MT 59620-1800
Voice: (406) 444-5354     Fax: (406) 444-0581

Data Source: BIOTICS® Database    Updated: Nightly