
For IAS-related databases, see the list of more than 240 accessible databases on the website of the Global Invasive Species Information Network. An alternative resource is the online databases section of the GISP website. The Global Invasive Species Database is a good starting point for many species.

Some of these databases include information about the distribution of invasive alien species and are updated when new invasions are known to occur. For further information regarding reports of new invasions, in addition to searching relevant databases, visitors are encouraged to:

Developers and users of IAS-related databases are encouraged to consult the profile schema, which has been developed to facilitate sharing of information among different databases through the use of common or core data elements. Further information and the schema are available through the Global Invasive Species Information Network.

Key international Initiatives Promoting Information-sharing

Key Regional and National Networks and Initiatives

Native to the Amazon basin, water hyacinth is now found on five continents. Introduced to help purify water from waste treatment facilities and for ornamental purposes, it has had negative effects on fisheries, agriculture, hydroelectric production, human health and economies.
Credit: Marianne Fitzgerald - istockphoto