Society for Ecological Restoration International
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Links to Abstracts from SER Conferences

2007: SER/ESA Joint Conference -- "Ecology-Based Restoration in a Changing World"
August 5-10, 2007 in San Jose, California, USA
Click here to search abstracts

2005:  Ecological Restoration -- A Global Challenge
12-18 September in Zaragoza, Spain.  Click here to download a pdf of the abstracts.

2004:  Restoration on the Edge
24-26 August in Victoria, British Columbia Canada. 
The 2004 abstracts and proceedings are available in a searchable database.  Just click here to search.

2003:  Assembling the Pieces - Restoration, Design and Landscape Ecology
19-22 November in Austin, Texas.  Abstracts available in PDF format:  Abstracts A through L and Abstracts M through Z.

2002: A Convocation - Understanding and Restoring Ecosystems
A Joint Conference with the Ecological Society of America. 4-9 August in Tucson, Arizona. Online abstract database.

2001: Restoration Across Borders
4-6 October in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Abstracts available in PDF format.

2000: Reflections on the Past - Directions for the Future
4-7 September in Liverpool, England. Abstracts available in PDF format.

1999: Reweaving the World
23-25 September in San Francisco, California. Abstracts available in PDF format.

1998: Making Connections 28-30 September in Austin, Texas. 

1997: Ecological Restoration & Regional Conservation Strategies
12-15 November in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 

For 1996 - 1989: a limited number of copies are still available at the SER office.  Call the SER office for more information:  520-622-5485.


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