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Grape Diseases

The following information is adapted from the 2006 edition of the The Best Practices Guide for Grapes for British Columbia Growers, published by the BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands and the British Columbia Wine Institute. For more information on ordering a copy of the guide, please follow this link: Best Practices Guide for Grapes for BC Growers.

A Note on Pesticide Use:

Before using a pesticide for disease control, carefully read the label and note the pre-harvest interval. It is also important to consider the following points:

  • Is the chosen fungicide acceptable to your buyers? 
  • Is the chosen fungicide registered for the intended use?
  • Are you using the fungicide as part of an integrated pest management strategy?
  • Have all relevant cultural disease management practices for the disease in question been considered?
  • Are you using resistance management strategies, such as alternating fungicides having different modes of action to avoid fungicide resistance?

There are good practical reasons not to exceed or use a lower rate than the rate on the label. High rates can damage plant tissues or leave unsafe residues on the plant. Low rates are often not effective and can promote the development of fungicide resistance.

Be cautious and accurate when using pesticides. Use proper equipment, maintained in good condition and calibrated accurately. For more information on pesticides and pesticide safety, please refer to the Pesticide Wise section of this website.

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