Assistance is provided for forest, wood products, and related business development. In addition, trade development activities are carried out to increase markets for South Carolina wood products.

The Primary Forest Industry Directory is a list of all wood and paper manufacturing industries in the state.

Rural Community Assistance Program - (Opens in a new window.)


Forest Products Fact Sheet (pdf)

SC Forest Inventory and Analysis Factsheet 2006(pdf)

Other Services and Resources

  • Wood Product business location or expansion assistance.
  • International Trade information and assistance.
  • Forest Inventory Analysis Reports, statewide and customized.
  • Timber Products Output Reports.
  • Sources of supply.


The State of South Carolina's Forests, 2006(pdf)

South Carolina's Timber Product Output and Use (pdf)

Delivered Timber Value - 2005 (pdf)

The State of South Carolina's Forests, 2001(Nov'04,pdf, opens in a new window)

SC Forest Products Export Report (Oct '04)

Potential For Biomass Energy Development in South Carolina (Oct '04, pdf)

Demonstration and Evaluation of Processed Forest Biomass in Bioretention Cells for Reduction of Wildfire Hazard and Treatment of Stormwater Runoff (Sept. '04 pdf)

Locational Analysis for Small-Diameter Tree Utilization in South Carolina(July '04, pdf)

Contact Tim Adams for more information on forest and wood product development or write to:

South Carolina Forestry Commission
P.O. Box 21707
Columbia, SC 29221
Fax: 803-798-8097

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