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UMass Extension
Integrated Pest Management

spacerAgriculture & Landscape Program

Turf IPM Project

The vast majority of the population of Massachusetts and southern New England lives in urban or suburban settings. One of the primary routes by which these people may come in contact with pesticides is application to turf (golf courses, lawns, athletic fields) or ornamental plantings. Hence, the UMass Turf Team prioritizes development of ecologically sound management strategies that maintain high quality turf while reducing populations or effects of turf grass pests.

The ongoing focus of current Turf IPM activity is to educate professional turf and grounds managers' awareness, understanding and use of the principles of IPM, through applied research, extension outreach and the development of print or other media training materials.

Members of the Agriculture and Landscape Turf Team cooperating on Turf IPM projects are: S. Ebdon, P. Bhowmik, M. DeCosta, B. Dicklow, T. Griffin, G. Jung, J. Lanier, M. Owen, R. Prostak, R. Wick and P. Vittum.

Selected IPM Articles:

UMass Turf Publications

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