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farmdoc Sponsors

Primary Sponsors

University of Illinois Extension provides practical research-based information and programs to help individuals, families, farms, and communities in Illinois. To learn more about University of Illinois Extension click here.


Office of Research administers research programs of the College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences. The goals of the Office are to improve the quality of life for all Illinois citizens, improve the profitability and competitiveness of the Illinois food and agricultural sector, protect and enhance the quality of the environment and educate future scientists. To learn more about the Office of Research click here.

North Central Regional Risk Management Education Center is funded by the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, US Department of Agriculture. To Learn more about the Center Project click here.


Moore & Warner Farm Management provides expertise in cropping, marketing, farm operations, leasing, arrangement, record keeping, environmental issues, and long-term stewardship of the land. To learn more about Moore & Warner Farm Management click here.


Illinois Council on Food and Agricultural Research aims to advance profitable, consumer-sensitive, environmentally sound food, agricultural and related systems by securing funding for relevant research and outreach and fostering public participation in program guidance. To learn more click here.

Additional Sponsors

Sponsors of farmdoc Related Research and Outreach

provides performance evaluations of agricultural market advisory services. AgMAS research is sponsored by:

Shows premiums for selected insurance products in the Cornbelt for the 2002 corn, soybean, wheat and grain sorghum crops, shows frequency of payments of alternative products in Illinois, shows net costs of alternative products in Illinois, and shows risk reductions from alternative products in Illinois.

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University of Illinois