The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.    
Noble Foundation Agricultural Tools
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Feed Library Feed Library
The feed library was created to assist livestock producers in finding and researching feed ingredient options for use in their operations.

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Aeuromycin 50 Aeuromycin 50
This calculator helps producers figure the amount of Aeuromycin 50 to add to a ration to achieve a desired intake rate, or evaluate a pre-mixed feed to determine intake of CTC.

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BCS Change BCS Change
This calculator will help producers understand how much weight cows need to gain or lose to move from their current body condition score (BCS) to a desired BCS. Typically, producers will want to calve their cows in a BCS of 5.5 or higher.

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Boom Sprayer Calibration Boom Sprayer Calibration
This calculator determines gallons per acre applied by boom sprayer. These sprayers are suitable for pre-plant, pre-emergence or post-emergence applications in cropland, pastures and rangeland.

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Boomless Sprayer Calibration Boomless Sprayer Calibration
This calculator determines the gallons per acre applied by a broadcast sprayer equipped boomless or brush type nozzles.

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Bovatec 68 Bovatec 68
This calculator helps producers figure the amount of Bovatec 68 to add to a ration to achieve a desired intake rate, or evaluate a pre-mixed feed to determine intake of lasalocid.

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Breeding Season Breeding Season
4 ratings:
This tool is useful if you know when you will turn out bulls and want to know when to expect calving.

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Calving Season Calving Season
This tool calculates the variables of calving season, such as when to turn the bulls in and out; gestation length is customizable.

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Carrying Capacity Carrying Capacity
3 ratings:
This calculator will allow you to estimate the proper carrying capacity for a desired period of grazing.

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Deer Spotlight Survey Calculator Deer Spotlight Survey Calculator
A tool to interpret data from a deer spotlight survey such as sex ratio, population composition and deer density.

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Drug Withdrawal Drug Withdrawal
This tool calculates when animals are clear for slaughter.

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Dry Fertilizer Dry Fertilizer
5 ratings:
This calculator is for use with soil test results that will allow you to compare prices and furnish spread rates. Enter the price of fertilizer in your area, your acreage and N-P-K needed (from your soil test recommendation).

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Feed Intake Feed Intake
This tool calculates the dry matter intake of an animal. It also calculates the actual amount to feed if you know the desired dry matter intake and content of the feed.

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Fertigation Injection Schedule Fertigation Injection Schedule
This interactive schedule enables a grower to determine the amount of a soluble fertilizer to apply to a selected vegetable crop via the drip irrigation system for any total length of bed (row) at any given week of the growing season.

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Frame Score Frame Score
This calculator helps producers determine the frame score of beef cattle. From frame score, mature weight as well as equivalent steer finished or slaughter weight can be estimated. Frame score and final weight dramatically affect the efficiency of beef production.

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Grazing Cycle Grazing Cycle
This calculator will allow you to estimate the number of days to graze a pasture for a desired grazing cycle. It is simply a measure of forage supply relative to the entire grazing unit. To be used if you are attempting to estimate the grazing period of a known grazing cycle.

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Hay Days Available Hay Days Available
This calculator allows cooperators to inventory hay supplies on hand and predict the number of days available for either limit feeding or full feeding hay. The cooperator can also use this to back calculate hay demand.

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Heifer Development Heifer Development
This calculator helps determine the ADG required to achieve goals when developing replacement heifers for breeding. Achieving adequate weight at breeding is critical to achieving high conception rates in yearling heifers.

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Lime Calculator Lime Calculator
This calculator figures the amount of lime needed based on soil test report values.

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Net Energy Conversion Net Energy Conversion
This calculator estimates the metabolizable energy, net energy for maintenance, and net energy for gain of a feed if you know the feed's TDN value.

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Orchard Sprayer Calibration Orchard Sprayer Calibration
This calculator determines the gallons per acre applied by an air blast or fan sprayer.

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Payment Calculator Payment Calculator
This tool calculates payments based on the number of pay periods and the total payment of a loan and generates a payment schedule via email.

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Pearson Square Pearson Square
This calculator is used to balance rations. Two ingredients of known nutrient content, crude protein for example, are input. The desired nutrient content of the blend is entered, and the percentage of each ingredient (on a dry matter basis) needed to create the desired blend is calculated.

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Pecan Tree Evaluation Pecan Tree Evaluation
The productivity of a pecan orchard is based on many factors, but arguably the most important is the cross-sectional square feet of trunk area per acre. Cross-sectional square feet of trunk area per acre is the sum of the trunk sizes of the trees per acre.

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Protein Supplement Protein Supplement
Many times cows will need a protein supplement during the winter feeding period. The most important thing to do, the producer must determine the price per pound of available crude protein for each option. The producer should then select the most economical supplement. Labor considerations can also be factored.

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Reserve Herd Days Reserve Herd Days
This calculator will allow you to estimate the days available for grazing in a pasture.

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Rumensin 80 Rumensin 80
This calculates levels of monensin and Rumensin 80 to include in rations for cattle.

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Value of Gain Value of Gain
This tool calculates the value of the gain of an animal. Supplement conversion calculates the cost on a per lb of additional gain basis of using a feed supplement.

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The calculators and their output are provided for general reference only. The calculators use publicly available information as a basis for its calculations, such information may change over time. Further, specific circumstances or conditions could affect the accuracy and usefulness of any calculator output. Users assume the risk of using or otherwise relying upon any calculator output.

The Noble Foundation does not warrant the functionality of the calculators or that any errors can or will be discovered or corrected. The Noble Foundation does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of any calculator output. The calculators, their operation and any output is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranty, including merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

The Noble Foundation shall not be bound by any calculator output and is not responsible for use or reliance on such output.

© 1997-2008 by The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.