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The Canadian Forest Service promotes the sustainable development of Canada's forests and the competitiveness of the Canadian forest sector.
Top Stories
On-site forest residues chipping

What impact does forest biomass harvesting have on soils? Join the research effort!

The crisis in the forest industry, climate change and the growing world demand for energy are all arguments for using forest biomass to generate energy. In light of this, the recovery of logging residues (tree branches, foliage and crowns) appears to be a promising option for reducing fossil fuel use, while also diversifying forest production.
  » Laurentian Forestry Centre
Harvesting operation

Adding value to heterogeneous hardwood stands through a multi-treatment approach

In Quebec, an efficient approach is now available for treating thousands of hectares of hardwood stands previously considered unharvestable because of the low density of mature trees. Researchers have developed a multi-treatment shelterwood approach that can be used to achieve this goal.
  » Laurentian Forestry Centre
SBW larva

A tool for evaluating mating disruption in SBW: CFS forges ahead!

The North Shore region of Quebec currently faces the threat of a spruce budworm (SBW) outbreak. This looming threat has catalyzed efforts by researchers to diversify the tools available to control this insect pest and, more specifically, to test a mating cage design developed to evaluate a control strategy based on mating disruption.
  » Laurentian Forestry Centre