The Manitoba Tourism Awards is an annual program recognizing excellence in the promotion and delivery of tourism experiences in Manitoba. Express your appreciation of the people that make a difference elevating Manitoba’s tourism appeal by nominating them for a Manitoba Tourism Award.

Complete Rules & Regulations Nomination Forms

To nominate an individual, business or organization for a Manitoba Tourism Award, select either the Online Form or the Print Form beside each category title.

Nomination Forms
  • Download Form Online Form Marketing Excellence Award

    This award recognizes a marketing campaign that contributes to promoting Manitoba as a quality destination and demonstrates effectiveness in increasing tozurism in and to Manitoba.

  • Download Form Online Form Service Excellence Award

    This award recognizes exemplary service and enhancement of visitor experiences as demonstrated through a high degree of visitor satisfaction.

  • Download Form Online Form Partnership Award

    This award recognizes partnerships and alliances that demonstrate the power and value of cooperative approaches to tourism promotion, development or delivery in Manitoba.

  • Download Form Online Form Media Award

    This award recognizes outstanding support by a media business or individual in promoting Manitoba as a quality tourism destination.

  • Download Form Online Form Volunteer of the Year Award

    This award recognizes outstanding contributions without financial compensation to the Manitoba tourism industry.

  • Download Form Online Form Aspiring Youth Award

    This award recognizes dedication to the Manitoba tourism industry by an individual under the age of 29 in their capacity as a volunteer, employee or entrepreneur.

  • Download Form Online Form Aboriginal Tourism Award

    This award recognizes excellence in the delivery of a product or service that demonstrates cultural authenticity and sensitivity to the ecological, cultural and economic integrity of the community.

  • Download Form Online Form Sustainable Tourism Award

    This award recognizes excellence in the delivery of a product or service that effectively demonstrates sustainable tourism practices.

  • Download Form Online Form Product Development Award

    This award recognizes a business or organization that has developed or expanded a new or existing tourism product.

  • Download Form Online Form Award of Distinction

    This award recognizes exceptional leadership that helps Manitoba realize distinction as a high quality tourism destination.