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Heartsong Farm Healing Herbs: Village Herbalist Nancy Phillips and Apple Grower Michael Phillips

Welcome To Our Farm!

You have reached Nancy and Michael Phillips, the folks who have written The Herbalist's Way and The Apple Grower.

We intend to make this website worthy of your visit, with photos, columns on all things herbal and our favorite apples, ordering information for all our farm products and books, and a posting of our speaking schedule.

Isn't this good earth a grand place to spend these precious days? And what a blessing now to count you among our friends!

Nancy, Michael and Gracie Phillips: picking calendula, a healing herb -- photo: Geoff Forester
Picking those calendula blossoms every two days adds up to a heap of time over the course of a summer. But what glorious work! We're happy to celebrate being together as a family here on our own land harvesting the good herb.
photo: Geoff Forester
apples illustration -- click for an article on the Phillips: Apples Meet Herbs on a New Hampshire Farm
Calling all Orchardists! Explore the Latest Insights in Holistic Apple Growing here.

Mountain Offerings

We love our wee bit of northern paradise in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Here's where we cultivate the most-in-demand herbs -- milky oats, nettles, lemon balm, and calendula -- as well as wildcraft other classic Northeastern plant medicines. (More than a few herbalists say our hawthorn blossom is the best!)

echinacea purpurea cluster at Heartsong Farm -- click for information about the Earth Medicine Share from Heartsong Farm
Families love to opt into our Earth Medicine Share for year-round healing purpose.

Please check what healing herbs will be available come harvest time. We invite you to reserve your order requests sooner rather than later so that we don't disappoint long-time customers. We offer six varieties of hardneck garlic for seed and kitchen use, with such orders being filled beginning in September. A selection of quality tinctures, compound formulations, and family favorites can always be found in Nancy's Apothecary. And sooner than soon, it will be time to harvest Lost Nation apples for local sale.

Class Sabbatical for 2008

We are taking a year off from teaching on the farm this year in order to have some precious family time together. Truth be known, our ol' farmhouse needs to get caught up with its sagging self as well . . . and a construction site is no place for guests! Please do check in about our teaching plans for the following year as we encourage you to contact us about your interest in attending these fun and informative (and delicious!) sessions on learning about herbs and apples.

Nancy will offer her Herbal Foundations class again in 2009 for those of you just starting with the healing herbs. We intend to resume intermediate Further Your Herbal Wisdom classes then as well, with an exciting array of guest teachers. All these herbal doings get rounded out with a Lost Nation Apple Intensive with Michael, usually held around apple bloom in late May.

The Apple Grower: A Guide for the Organic Orchardist -- click for book summary

A Revised Apple Grower is Rarin' to Go!

Michael's apple book has been written anew. This time around Apple Grower comes in full color with many practical charts and completely surprising features, including a whopping seventy pages of new information on growing worthy fruit.

The cover price has gone up slightly to $40 for this expanded edition, but we promise to ship for free within the United States. We appreciate your direct support of authors and are quite happy to inscribe any of our books, if you wish.

This definitive guide to growing apples wisely, naturally, and with gentler impact on the earth covers all the cultural points of apple growing. Michael's personal voice and clear-eyed advice have already made The Apple Grower (click for online edition) a classic among small-scale growers and home orchardists. In fact, anyone serious about succeeding with apples needs to have this updated edition on their bookshelf.

Have you watched for fairies lately in your gardens? Real magic happens when you open your spirit to All Things Herbal. (photo: Robert Chartier)
Have you watched for fairies lately in your gardens? Real magic happens when you open your spirit to All Things Herbal.

Sneak Peek

Ahh, that urge to write! Michael's latest project is a concise guide for backyard gardeners who want the inside scoop on growing tree fruits and berries organically. Requests for recipes from Nancy's herbal kitchen have prompted us to begin a self-published venture in that direction. Living in These Viral Times continues on the backburner of our good intentions!

Our Commitment to the Plants

Heartsong Farm Healing Herbs has made a commitment to monitor local populations of endangered medicinal plants and to cultivate such plants in our field and woodland gardens. You will not find endangered or threatened plant species in any of our herbal offerings unless these have been organically grown from seed or root stock. We encourage everyone to get involved further with the vital work of United Plant Savers to both honor and conserve our green friends.

Join our Herbal Healing Network

Stay informed about issues important to herbalists and the happenings here at Heartsong Farm Healing Herbs by signing up to be a part of this emailing list. We'll write only on occasion, as you can imagine how busy life on an herb farm gets to be throughout the growing season.

Names will not be exchanged with other lists, and unsubscribing is as easy as simply asking.
Our true home is in the present moment.
The miracle is not to walk on the water.
The miracle is to walk on the green earth in the present moment.

Thich Nhat Hahn

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Heartsong Farm Healing Herbs: Village Herbalist Nancy Phillips and Apple Grower Michael Phillips btm
website credits
Sienna Moonfire Designs: website creation and maintenance
send website feedback to the Heartsong Farm webster
website by Sienna Moonfire Designs:
last updated 2 September :: 11:33 am Caspar (Pacific) time
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website design and images copyright © 2003-2008 Sienna Moonfire Designs
website content copyright © 2003-2008 Heartsong Farm
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