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Registration > Semi-Trailers


A 'Semi-Trailer' can be defined as a trailer so constructed that its weight and the weight of its load are carried partly upon an axle of the truck tractor towing it, and partly upon an axle of the trailer, and it is equipped with the upper half of a fifth wheel.

A 'pup trailer', single or double axle, with or without a steering axle, when attached to a semi-trailer unit as a train requires a semi-trailer identification plate; however, if hauled behind a vehicle other than a truck-tractor-trailer unit, then a standard A8, C2 or P3 trailer plate and insurance are required.

Registration Requirements

Semi-trailers attached to a truck-tractor registered in Manitoba require a semi trailer plate for identification purposes. The semi-trailer must be registered in the name of the semi-trailer owner only.

Exemptions from Registration Requirements

Semi-trailers, owned by a non-resident and registered for the current registration period in a province, state or country of which the owner is resident, can expose an identification plate of such province, state or country.

Semi-trailers, owned and operated on behalf of the Department of National Defence of the Government of Canada and that have attached thereto and exposed thereon an identification number plate issued by the Department of National Defence, are exempt from registration requirements.

Age of Registrant

No person under the age of sixteen years can register a semi-trailer. Also, no person under the age of eighteen years can register a semi-trailer without the written consent of a parent or guardian.

General Information

Beginning with the March 1, 2003 semi-trailer registration renewal and plate re-issue, a lifetime semi-trailer licence plate is issued for a registration period of two years (e.g. March 1, 2003 – February 28, 2005). At the end of the two years, the same licence plate can be renewed for another two year registration period. Validation stickers are not required on the plate.

The customer receives a registration card for registration only. There is no insurance on the semi-trailer.

The charge to register a semi-trailer is $6.00. The registration charge is non-proratable and non-refundable.

For the 2003 renewals and for all New Applications processed from March 1, 2003, the customer must pay an additional $4.00 plate use charge in order to obtain a new lifetime semi-trailer plate. If the customer renews the same licence plate on subsequent renewals, Manitoba Public Insurance will not assess the plate use charge.

The administration charge for a Plate Replacement is $10.00, and the administration charge for a Transfer or Estate-to-Spouse Transfer is $15.00.

The supporting document rules regarding New Vehicle Information Statement, Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin, Transfer of Ownership Document, Vehicle Import Form (approved by both Canada Customs and a Transport Canada Safety Inspection Station), Retail Sales Tax Forms, and Bill of Sale all apply to semi-trailers.

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