GdB members continue debate on CAP reform

On March 24 and 25 members of the Groupe de Bruges will meet in Prague to continue the debate on the CAP reform proposals of the Commission. Following a more general in depth assessment of the proposals, the focus will be on further elaborating the concept of the greening menu as an alternative for the Commission's greening proposals. Also the notion of new collective approaches regarding both food supply chain management and delivery of public goods will be discussed. Basis for this discussion will be formed by concrete examples of innovative collective approaches from around Europe and how they relate to the measures the Commission envisages. You can join the debate through our LinkedIn discussion group.

President Arie van den Brand presents GdB position paper on CAP proposals to Commissioner Ciolos

Following last year's meeting the Groupe de Bruges has put its analysis and recommendations concerning the legislative proposals of the Commission on the new Common Agricultural Policy into written form. The paper was handed to Commissioner Ciolos personally on January 26 by GdB president Arie van den Brand.

E-learning course: "Learning the CAP, learning your future"

For over 50 years, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has been one of the most important and truly common policies in the European Union. Currently, a new reform of the CAP is under way in a turbulent period of the European Union.
 Groupe de Bruges, in collaboration with SPERA (Interuniversity Centre for Studies on Economic, Rural and Environmental Policies) and Associazione Alessandro Bartola, is developing a comprehensive e-learning course on the CAP. 
This is your chance to learn about the CAP or to bring your knowledge up to date in an easy, accessible manner.
Numerous leading experts from all over Europe contribute their knowledge and expertise to this course. 
The course is intended for first year students and everybody else that has a professional interest in the Common Agricultural Policy.

A presentation of the E-Learning course on the Common Agricultural Policy (EL-CAP) was given on October 15th in Verseg-Fenyőharaszt, Hungary that was also transmitted live by webstreaming.

You can either follow one or more of the course’s 8 modules or follow the whole course. In the latter case, you will be able to obtain an official certificate.
For more information download the brochure HERE.
As of now seven of the eight modules of the course are available. To go to the course, click

pic course

User guide available HERE.

Thanks to contributions by the European Commission and the Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer the course is free of charge.

This project has been made financially possible through contributions by:

pic eu European Commission, grant agreement number 2011-0098

pic fph

The sole responsibility of the course lies with the Groupe de Bruges. Neither the European Commission nor the Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
