An Update From the CDSJ Team

The NRE Community, Diversity and Social Justice (CDSJ) Committee has been actively meeting over the academic year. We welcomed five new members to the committee this year. The new members are:

Annaliese Bischoff – Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning
Rochelle Gagne – Veterinary and Animal Sciences
Susan Han – Plant, Soil, Insect Sciences
Klaus Nüsslein – Microbiology
Edward Ryan – Food Science

This year the CDSJ Committee has focused on strengthening the workplace and classroom environment. Committee members have met with the College’s Student Leadership Committee, and working with Workplace, Learning, and Development, have piloted a “Respectful Classroom” workshop with the student leadership group. The students responded very positively to this workshop. Efforts are underway to meet with the Student Leadership Committee, students, and faculty to discuss the scheduling of more workshops and the development of a statement of what a respectful classroom means. We are interested in incorporating awareness of CDSJ issues into mandatory student meetings held by Associate Dean Baker and preparing a written template for inclusion in syllabi, websites, or elsewhere describing a respectful relationship.

We have also begun a review of the evaluations from the NRE Respectful Workplace workshops. Our plan is to analyze the data obtained from the workshops and survey our NRE family as to our progress in the areas of community, diversity and social issues.

We look forward to scheduling another Respectful Workplace workshop in late spring or during the summer session.

Look for more information on this website in the near future.