This page was updated on Monday March 17 2008

Weed Susceptibility Chart

This very comprehensive chart of weeds and their susceptibility to various herbicides can be viewed in several formats.

1. You may view the information online at:
Online Weed Susceptibility Chart


2. Download as a pdf or Excel spreadsheet:

The introduction to the chart includes common and botanical names of weeds and common and trade names of herbicides.

Both documents are available as a pdf or excel document.

pdf image

MS Excel

(2 pages, 15 kb)

(2 pages, 37 kb)

Weed Susceptibility Chart
(10 pages, 40 kb)
Weed Susceptibility Chart
(9 pages, 114 kb)


pdf imageYou will need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your hard drive to access these documents. It is FREE and easy to download. Simply click on the "Get Acrobat Reader" icon and follow the directions. get adobe acrobat reader