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Wright Brothers

See All 10 Resources
Colorful cover of 'Come Josephine In My Flying Machine (Up She Goes),' 1910.

The Wright Brothers & The Invention of the Aerial Age celebrates the centennial of flight with a thorough presentation of Wilbur and Orville...

Wilbur Wright flying the 1901 glider. (Courtesy of Special Collections and Archives, Wright State University, Repository # 15-5-16; N542)

Wright Brothers National Memorial: Site of the First Controlled Powered Flight tells how bicycle makers in Dayton, Ohio, launched the aviation age. After reading about...

[Patent, 22 May 1906]. Wilbur and Orville Wright Papers. Subject File: Patents-- By Wright Brothers--USA-- filed 23 March 1903, patented 22 May 1906. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress.

The Wilbur and Orville Wright Papers documents the Wright brothers' lives and their work that led to the world's first...

Image of Earhart, Amelia, 193-?

With Wings as Eagles: From Fantasy to Flight documents the history of human flight. Photos, drawings, and articles are presented in...

Smithsonian Institution

National Park Service

Library of Congress

Library of Congress
  See All 10 Wright Brothers Resources  
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