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Galileo appears before the Inquisition, circa 1632, in a 19th-century painting by Joseph-Nicolas Robert-Fleury.

Galileo's Battle for the Heavens explains why Galileo is the father of modern science, why Galileo's refractor and...

Lincoln and Douglas, Permission: Chicago Historical Society

Lincoln/Net presents writings, speeches, and materials from Abraham Lincoln's years in Illinois...

Now you can enter the operating room and don surgeon's scrubs. You'll have the same set of tools used by the original Hopkins surgical team.

Partners of the Heart is the website for a film about two men who, in 1944, pioneered a procedure that would...

Scenes of TR and his sons Quentin and Archie, 1917-1918 [2] / [production company unknown].

Theodore Roosevelt: His Life and Times on Film features 104 short films which record events in Roosevelt's life from the...

National Science Foundation 

Endowment for Humanities 

Endowment for Humanities 

Library of Congress 
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