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Map was published in 1787 in Lt. Col. Banastre Tarleton's Campaigns of 1780 and 1781 in the Southern Provinces of North America. It was based on a map drawn in the field by one of Cornwallis's army

Guilford Courthouse: A Pivotal Battle in the War for Independence looks at this battle—how it was fought; how its outcome was characterized, including...

Battle of Oriskany. Painted by Frederick C. Yohn, 1977. (Courtesy of Utica Public Library)

The Battle of Oriskany: Blood Shed a Stream Running Down tells how long-standing prejudices and the Revolutionary War unleashed massive bloodshed...

Soldiers in trenches along the western front

The Great War (World War I) features interviews with 19 historians who were consulted in the making of the 8-part PBS...

French troops have surrounded the Chateau Hougoumont.

Napoleon Interactive Battlefield Simulator tests your battle strategy. Watch video clips on the battles of Lodi, Austerlitz and...

National Park Service 

National Park Service 

Endowment for Humanities 

Endowment for Humanities 
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