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New Deal
6 Resources
The New Deal Stage: Selections from the Federal Theatre Project, 1935-1939 presents thousands of images of items selected from the Federal Theatre Project, established during the first term of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt under the Works Progress...  (Library of Congress)
By the People, For the People: Posters from the WPA, 1936-1943 is a collection of 900 boldly colored and graphically diverse posters produced as part of FDR's New Deal. These striking silkscreens, lithographs, and woodcuts were created to...  (Library of Congress)
New Deal Network, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute provides research and teaching resources devoted to the public works and arts projects of the New Deal, including information on how the Great Depression affected children, and workers...  (Columbia University, supported by National Endowment for the Humanities)
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime: The Effects of the New Deal and the Great Depression examines primary sources -- from photographs to oral histories recorded by the famous Federal Writer's Project -- to develop a sense of the profound impact the Great Depression had on...  (Library of Congress)
The New Deal: North Carolina's Reconstruction? invites students to interview imaginary North Carolina residents who lived during the Reconstruction and Depression eras. Each interview is historically accurate and supports a thesis...  (Library of Congress)
The Great Depression and the 1990s asks students to research a modern government program having roots in the New Deal. Following their research, students participate in a congressional forum where they debate which...  (Library of Congress)
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