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Artistic drawing of Kincaid Shelter and 13,000 years in the Sabinal River Valley

Texas Beyond History is a virtual museum of online exhibits, lessons, and interactive learning that covers...

An open-area excavation (Big Bend Reservoir, South Dakota)

Decoding the Past: The Work of Archaeologists introduces students to archaeology -- the study of material remains to learn about past...

William Clark (1770-1838), Head of a Vulture '(California condor),' February 17, 1806.  Copyprint of journal illustration. Courtesy of the Missouri Historical Society, St Louis (74A)

Rivers, Edens, Empires: Lewis & Clark and the Revealing of America looks at historical maps, relations with Indians, and expedition artifacts -- the...

Early Highways that Bind the Nation: Families on the Move, Six images with analysis questions

America on the Move tells how transportation changed America. A classroom activity guide looks at foods and...

Endowment for Humanities 

Smithsonian Institution 

Library of Congress 

Smithsonian Institution 
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