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Letters, Diaries
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Illustration from 'Reminiscences of the Civil War' by John Brown Gordon (New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1904).

First Person Narratives of the American South, 1860-1920 documents the culture of the 19th century American South from the viewpoint of...

Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, and the Confederate Generals

The Valley of the Shadow Project follows two communities, one Northern and one Southern, through their experiences in the...

'Benjamin Franklin.' Juste Chevillet (1729-1802) [after a painting by Joseph Duplessis (1725-1802)]. Né à Boston, dans la Nouvelle Angleterre, le 17 Janv. 1706. Engraving, 1778. Prints

Benjamin Franklin: In His Own Words shows the breadth of Franklin's accomplishments through key letters, broadsides, and...

Richard Peterson, POW processing photo, 1942

Veterans History Project is collecting oral histories, letters, diaries, and photos of America's war veterans and...

Library of Congress 

Endowment for Humanities 

Library of Congress 

Library of Congress 
  See All 16 letters, diaries Resources  
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