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Great Plains
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Buffalo hide painting -- Sioux. Date unknown. Cat. No. 167,147. National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution

Tracking the Buffalo: Stories From a Buffalo Hide Painting puts students in the role of historians as they examine a buffalo hide painting and click...

Winter counts are histories or calendars in which events are recorded by pictures, with one picture for each year.

Lakota Winter Counts offers the world's largest database of Lakota "winter counts" -- pictures drawn on cloth...

Destitute Pea Pickers in California. Mother of seven children.

Great Depression: Dust Bowl Migration includes photos, a teachers guide, and other resources for learning about the largest...

A soils map of the United States created from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization digital soils map of the world. Soils are classified by their number of agronomic limiting factors. S

Land Use History of North America examines how we have used land since the 1700s and how the land has changed. Topics...

Smithsonian Institution 

Smithsonian Institution 

Library of Congress 

U.S. Geological Survey 
  See All 8 Great Plains Resources  
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