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Andersonville Prison (looking southeast from the sinks), 1864.  (Andersonville National Historic Site, National Park Service)

Andersonville: Prisoner of War Camp examines the conditions of Camp Sumter (in Andersonville, Georgia), the largest and most...

Tullie Smith House, one of Atlanta's few antebellum-era houses -- National Register photograph by Yen Tang

Discover Atlanta, Georgia is a travel itinerary of 70 places that tell the story of Atlanta -- its picturesque...

Castillo de San Marcos is the oldest existing permanent seacoast fortification in the continental United States.

Along the Georgia-Florida Coast is a travel itinerary of historic sites that help us understand key developments in...

Panorama of Savannah by Fermin Cerveau, 1837.  (Courtesy of the Georgia Historical Society)

Savannah, Georgia: The Lasting Legacy of Colonial City Planning describes the establishing of Georgia as a colony in America and the design of the...

National Park Service

National Park Service

National Park Service

National Park Service
  See All 6 Georgia Resources  
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