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Photo of high school freshman Elizabeth Eckford,... one of the 'Little Rock Nine' who braved a jeering crowd, September 4, 1957. (Photo by and courtesy of Will Counts and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazet

From Canterbury to Little Rock: The Struggle for Educational Equality for African Americans highlights two historic places and the role each played in the effort toward creating...

Illustration from Phrenology book. The self-instructor in phrenology and physiology: with over one hundred new illustrations, including a chart for the use of pratical phrenologists / by O.S. and L.N.

The Nineteenth Century in Print: the Making of America in Books and Periodicals presents digitized books and periodicals published in the U.S. during the 19th century...

Montage of superhighways from the Eisenhower administration to the present links the futuristic dreams of yesteryear to the reality of today.

Historians on America looks at 11 developments that altered the course of U.S. history: the trial of John Peter...

Black and white girls stare at each other in Fort Myer, Virginia school.

School: The Story of American Public Education is the companion website for a documentary that chronicles the development of public...

National Park Service

Library of Congress

State Dept

Endowment for Humanities
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