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The image on this slide is a photograph of the model of the DNA molecule built by Drs. James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953. Drs. Watson and Crick used this model to depict their proposed structure

Bioed Online features lessons on the water cycle and global warming, the X chromosome, sleep and daily...

An animation that demonstrates the stages of mitosis in an animal cell.

Action Bioscience offers scientific articles and lessons. Topics include the value of a garden, plant...

Image of the face of the Red (or Lesser) Panda

Environmental Literacy Council features labs, projects, and activities for studying the air and climate, land, water...

A floating iceberg off the Antarctic Peninsula. Photo courtesy CU-Boulder National Snow and Ice Data Center.

U.S. Global Change Research Program provides information designed to help understand, assess, and predict changes in the...

Multiple Agencies 

National Science Foundation 

Multiple Agencies 

U.S. Global Change Research 
  See All 22 ecosystems Resources  
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