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Worldwide earthquakes with M4.0+ located by USGS and Contributing Agencies. (Earthquakes with M2.5+ within the United States and adjacent areas.)

The Earthquake Hazards Program offers frequently asked questions about earthquakes, research on earthquakes, and more...

This map combines shaded relief and geology on a single map of the 48 states. It is a useful resource for discussing physiographic provinces within the conterminous U.S.

Geology at the U.S. Geological Survey provides resource collections and maps for studying earthquakes, hurricanes, floods...

Observe an animation of an asteroid impact at the end of the Cretaceous Period.

Exploring Earth: Visualizations features over 100 animations and images that illuminate key concepts in earth science...

From its epicenter in the East Indian Ocean, the magnitude 9.0 earthquake of Dec. 26 spread tsunamis around the world.

NSF Special Reports presents web-based reports on language and linguistics, Einstein and physics, weather...

U.S. Geological Survey

U.S. Geological Survey

National Science Foundation

National Science Foundation
  See All 21 earthquakes Resources  
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